In today’s connected world, offering guest WiFi isn’t just about providing internet access; it’s an invaluable opportunity for businesses to capture data and build GDPR-compliant email lists for marketing. Utilising a UniFi controller for your guest WiFi network simplifies the process whilst ensuring data security and compliance. This guide will walk you through setting up a guest WiFi network using a UniFi controller, focusing on capturing data for your marketing efforts, and highlighting how our SaaS product,, can enhance your efforts in sectors like pubs, hotels, and restaurants.

Before anything else, ensure your UniFi controller is up to date and accessible. Log in to your UniFi controller’s web interface to begin the setup process.

Create a Wireless Network for Guests

Navigate to the “Settings” section, then “Wireless Networks.” Click “Create a New Wireless Network” and name it something easily identifiable as your guest network. Ensure the “Apply guest policies” option is checked to enforce content filtering and secure your primary network from guest traffic.

Enable Guest Portal

Under “Guest Control” settings in the UniFi controller, enable the Guest Portal. This inbuilt feature provides a basic captive portal landing page, facilitating user access to the internet. While useful, this native solution offers limited functionality in terms of data capture and user engagement.

For businesses looking to go beyond basic access, offers an advanced external captive portal solution. This enhanced service allows you to pose multiple data capture questions to your users, ensuring you collect more detailed and valuable data. It also requires users to agree to terms of usage before accessing the internet, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, including GDPR.

Moreover, our external captive portal serves as an excellent opportunity to advertise directly to your guests. This means not only can you capture essential data, but you can also promote your services, special offers, or events directly on the login screen. This dual function of data capture and advertising makes an invaluable tool for businesses looking to maximise their guest WiFi offering.

WIFI Data Capture Solution

Leverage to seamlessly integrate data capture into your guest WiFi network. Our platform is designed specifically for businesses like pubs, hotels, and restaurants, enabling them to gather valuable guest information whilst providing secure and compliant WiFi access.

Once your guest WiFi is up and running, we use the UniFi controller’s analytics tools to monitor usage. This data can help improve guest experiences.

Setting up guest WiFi with a UniFi controller not only enhances your guests’ experience but also opens up a direct channel for data capture and engagement. By following these steps and integrating solutions like, you create an instant, GDPR-compliant email list that can significantly boost your marketing efforts. Ready to take your guest WiFi to the next level?

Fill out our contact form below to learn more about how we can help.